as revised by Frodis “Suds” Pshaw,
Grand Master of the Order (XXXIII*)
The Order has been restructured with the Honorary Degree (0*) being retired. The degrees for the office positions are Lodge Master (XIII*) and Director (XXIII*) and the highest level of Grand Master (XXXIII*). These positions are administrative offices and are the top tier degrees. These offices can only be held by an Adept.
The system consists of only three degrees, Neophyte (I*), Initiate (II*) and Adept III*). These are all self-initiating grades. New members are entitled to hold the degree of Neophyte within the revised structure of the Order. Initiates are expected to be deeply involved in creating their Magnum Opus. The Adept degree alone indicates proven worth and is entitled to all the rights and benefits of full membership. A new Order name may be taken with each new degree, (or Lodge Master office) however, to avoid confusion, only one name is used at a time within the Order. In all cases; the Grand Master, who may also remove any member from the rolls for any reason, must approve a potential member.
This revised system is simple, designed to facilitate progress by individuals, and also to limit emphasis on degree status. There are no degrees above Adept. By corresponding to both the Three Oaths of the Order and the system of three degrees, this system gives the Order a structure that is predicated on members progressing to Adept, and thereafter, being full members, focusing on their own individual Work. Rituals relating to Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master degrees are explained in confidential papers given upon reaching that particular degree, explaining the deeper symbolism and reason for why the Order assumed a guise.
Each degree has its own icon, motto, assigned Task, oath, and objective. Fuller details are provided to members of each degree in the form of papers, (marked “Confidential, Not for Distribution”), concerning the particular mythology, gnosis and mysteries of that degree. Each booklet also contains a formal signed and dated acknowledgment from the Grand Master confirming the degree. An effort is needed for each degree. These three stages within the O.C.F. require loyalty, commitment, and ability. An Order is pointless if there are no expectations from new members.
All Adepts are qualified to act as High Priest/High Priestess. (Initiates may assist as Acolyte).
Only a member holding the Adept degree may petition the Grand Master to open a Lodge, which is not geographical in nature, but rather embodies a power zone of a Yetinsyn theme or motif. Lodge Masters are responsible for maintaining a viable motif for the Lodge, the primary theme that it is focused on, its signature image or concept often utilizing a SubGenius story or mythos as a basis, but not limited to this, and manifesting it in a tangible form.
The Lodge Master’s chosen name ideally reflects something about the chosen Lodge theme, and Lodge Masters are encouraged to create a letterhead logo based on their theme. The L.M. issues publications showcasing the activities of their members, including newsletters, chapbooks, circulating photos of artwork, recordings of music and DVDs of video productions by members of the Lodge. These publications are made available to all interested members at no charge.
Applications of candidates they sponsor as prospective new members are forwarded to the Grand Master for consideration.
The Grand Master identifies Lodge Masters and authorizes them to open a Lodge by issuing a signed and dated Charter. This signed and dated document authorizes an Adept as Lodge Master, to Open and Conduct a Lodge, with a particular mythos theme as its guide. This Charter may be revoked at will by the G.M..
All members of the Order of the Crimson Finger are required to swear at least the First Oath of the Order. Failure to obey a sworn Oath results in expulsion from the Order.
Self-actualization and dedication to themes of genuine depth are prerequisites - interaction and networking is expected by serious researchers and this organization is not for pseudo-occultists and those with a trivial interest. Active participation is essential,.
The advantage that a knowledgeable and sophisticated membership offers is the sharing of personal experience and the collaboration on significant projects. The required commitment to the Order includes developing relationships, both by regular correspondence and by meeting in person whenever possible, All private and privileged communications are kept confidential, including publications and papers circulated within the organization. Distribution of materials is limited to members, and confidentiality expected be respected concerning secret papers designated as being for “members only” and with all private correspondence.)
Requirements and Procedure
The Grand Master of the Order considers all membership requests by candidates for approval. Sponsorship (with a letter of recommendation) by another member, especially a Lodge Master, is helpful but not essential.
Information required by candidates to provide includes:
- Conspiracy issued name and age
- Contact information, address and email
- A statement indicating they are of legal age, without a criminal history, or psychologically unbalanced, and that they have a serious and sincere interest for wanting to join, and a detailed description of what motivates their interest in desiring to join the Order.
In addition, other personal information the candidate can offer:
- Mundane livelihood or profession
- Description of literary, musical, artistic and occult interests
- Personal history: education, travels, and accomplishments
- Membership in any mutant or esoteric organizations (past or present)
Upon approval and written confirmation, new members must:
- Take the First Oath of the Order.
- Submit what name they have chosen for Neophyte, which should indicate some personal significance.
- Offer a description of recent esoteric activities and interests.
- A signed and dated confirmation of their membership in the Degree of Neophyte (I*) is then issued by the Grand Master.
Financial Obligation:
Membership into the O.C.F. is a one time love offering of $3.00, in which you will receive a badge with the SIGN OF THE ORDER emblazoned upon it. (Plus Shipping & Handling)
Those who believe they have heard the call are encouraged to direct all membership applications and other inquiries to:
C/O Frodis “Suds” Pshaw
PO Box 7021
Charlottesville, Virginia 22906
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